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 Omron Micro Vision System
 Product Conformity Inspection

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Omron Vision System

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Throughout industry there is an increasing emphasis being placed upon product conformity and traceability - ensuring that products are of consistent quality and where non compliance does arise being able to trace and rectify the fault.

This requirement for product inspection to ensure compliance with customer requirements and in some cases with regulations means that there is a growing requirement for inspection systems which can provide consistent parameter monitoring and alert operators when product falls outwith specification.
Now available from LPC is the new Omron F150 Micro Vision System - a low cost, extremely versatile vision inspection system capable of working with 2 cameras which come complete with built in lens and lighting systems.

Providing consistent parameter monitoring and alarm, the Micro Vision System ensures that products conform to design specifications, production parameters and customer expectations - all on a high throughput automatic basis.

If you think your process might benefit from visual conformity inspection then contact us at LPC for advice or send us samples of your product for testing.

Foil seal presence & closure Tamper proof seal detection
Needle Tip Inspection Colour Vial Inspection
Tablet Inspection Solder Inspection
Measuring Applications Laser Inspection
Glue Inspection Crimp Inspection
Bar Code Detection Shape Monitoring
Cap Detection Label Position
PCB Component Presence Tape Inspection

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